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The Bobbin' Bob

Writer's picture: Kelsey DeckerKelsey Decker

We circled the block a couple times before I got the go ahead from Holy Spirit to pummel this new to us strip club.

Unable to find parking, I had Niki pull up to the front so I could ask the doorman where the best place to park would be. This was a purposeful interaction to loosen him up and make him aware we were coming.

Dyann was still in training, so she waited in the car as Niki and I made our way to the club. The bouncer checked our bags and welcomed us in, saying there was a birthday party going on.

When you hear there’s a birthday party, it’s your cue to prepare for complete Babylonian debauchery.

As we circled the block before arriving, I kept saying there was a “wall” in the spirit I couldn’t see through or penetrate.

Having the ability to very acutely see and feel in the spirit makes my senses all the more heightened on these outreaches.

And although I didn’t completely understand what the “wall” was while we prayed, as soon as we walked through the entrance to that club, we walked right through it.

A thick, heavy haze of smoke engulfed us as my eyes darted in every direction, taking in a lay of the land in mere seconds. This would be an in and out job, I knew instantly.

Then, it was go-time.

Very quickly, a young woman to our left smoking a hookah was highlighted, so we walked up, gave her a gift bag, told her Jesus loves her, and laid down the tray of food.

The music was at capacity and I could barely hear a word, but she told me her name saying she desperately needed prayer, and asked if we would pray for her later. Absolutely!

Quickly moving on, with all eyes on us, we boldly walked around the circular club, handing out gifts bags to anyone God highlighted.

Several girls hugged me. One was so excited to see me that Niki asked me later if I knew her.Nope. That’s what makes it even sweeter. They recognize Jesus.

Then the girl added that my ‘bob was bobbin,’ referring to my hair. That made us all laugh and we gave her and her friend gift bags.

We continued to make our way around the circular DJ booth in the middle of the club, literally stepping on hundreds of dollar bills as we walked by one lap dance after another.

Back by the entrance, I joked with Niki. “We better go before I get high!” A reference to the secondhand marijuana smoke inhalation.

Back in the car, we laughed hysterically as I recorded the notes in my phone, and then made our way to the next club, stopping to give a working girl walking across the street a gift bag.


Only God would send us into a place like this to reach the one. To pray for the one. To bring a smile to the one.

Only God would make His glorious presence known to these dancers in the midst of smoke and mirrors, and strobe lights.

Only God.

You didn’t choose me, but I’ve chosen and commissioned you to go into the world to bear fruit. And your fruit will last, because whatever you ask of my Father, for my sake, he will give it to you! John‬ ‭15‬:‭16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

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