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Stripper Shares Prophetic Word
On that very day, Noah and his wife, their sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth, and their wives, entered safely into the ark. Genesis 7:13...

Discipleship Drive
My team frequents two strip clubs on the corner of Discipleship Drive in St. Louis! The street name is prophetic and fitting because we...

The Bobbin' Bob
We circled the block a couple times before I got the go ahead from Holy Spirit to pummel this new to us strip club. Unable to find...

The Male Stripper
My friend Jessica ministers at a homeless camp in St. Louis, where she’s helped rescue several missing girls. Yesterday, she took the...

October Outreach Report #2
We had a short and sweet strip club outreach last night! This was our second outreach of the month, squeezed in between two full days of...

Bringing Life to the Strip Clubs
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:7 About a month ago, my...

Street Worker is in Heaven!
A couple of months ago, we learned of a street prostitute who was murdered in the park. This shook the community of the homeless, drug...

Sweet Warfare
These glorious prophetic art cards from Codye Reystead are in our specialty gift bags for the ladies in the strip clubs. When Codye...

Crude Comments
“I sucked two bleeps today.” That’s what Em blurted out in the strip club dressing room. She was deeply grieving the anniversary of her...

The Massage Trailer
This “massage trailer” has been on my radar for five months now, and last Friday we broke ground! It sits in a small area in Illinois...

Strip Club Leadership Academy
Every few days, I receive a message from someone curious about strip club ministry and how to go about ministering in the strip clubs....

October Outreach Report
October strip club outreach #1 is in the books! It’s truly a miracle this outreach occurred because I tried to cancel it THREE times!...

61 Souls & Counting!
61 and Counting! That was the heading of my email newsletter I sent out today. Since launching Morning Glory Ministries in March, we’ve...

Testimony from a Former Stripper
Check out this message I received last night from a former strip club dancer! “7 years ago today, I went to work to dance & these...

Drug Addict Goes to Church with Us!
I met L (the man in the hat) the first time my teammate Niki introduced me to Bellerive Park in downtown St. Louis. There’s only two...

Encounter with a Bouncer
Meet D, a bouncer at a new strip club we visited Friday night. We first encountered D on the way into the club. He was a bit puzzled when...

September Outreach Report
The strip club favor we received last night was immeasurable!! Glory to God!! Full detail report still to come, but here’s a teaser of...

A Trip to the Red Light District in Peru
My teammate, Niki, just got back from a missions trip to Peru with her church. Niki was deeply called to go to the Red Light District, so...

Stripper Gets Baptized!
I’m overjoyed by this praise report from my mentor, Monica Satcher with Acts of Love Ministries ! THIS is why we go!! "Meet Elizabeth...

Childlike Faith in the Clubs
Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:4 Before our last strip club...
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