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15 Dancers Saved in a Strip Club Dressing Room

Writer's picture: Kelsey DeckerKelsey Decker

Updated: May 8, 2024

This moment.

I’d had visions all day of standing on a chair in a strip club dressing room sharing the gospel. How this would come to pass I had no idea. Until I found myself there on that chair.

It was our second club of the night. We were pumped up and primed after leading 3 girls to the Lord in the first club. When we pulled in the parking lot to this club however, there was strong opposition. We sat and prayed in tongues, seeking Holy Spirit for guidance as to our next move.

Yvonne got a word from the Lord that I was to get out and put a stake in the ground (We carry small stakes for this purpose). So I did just that and as I did, I felt something break open in the spirit. I got back in the car, grabbed the gift bags, and said “Let’s go!”

The bouncers let us right in and even escorted us to the dressing room, where it was swarming with girls!! I immediately handed bags to a couple girls and asked them if they knew without a doubt they would be going to heaven if they died tomorrow. One girl confidently said, “yes!”

I asked her how she knew that and she grabbed the rosary around her neck.

“Because of this!”

That was all the information I needed and without a next thought, I found myself climbing on a chair and calling all the girls to gather round. And they did! They started coming out of the woodworks, eager to get close and listen!! I led them all through a protection prayer and then through a prayer of salvation!

At least 15 women we counted professed Jesus as Lord of their lives right then and there!!

This was Yvonne’s first strip club outreach and the look on her face was priceless as she carefully watched each girl joyfully surrender. It was exquisite!!! Everyone got a gift bag and cupcakes, and we left barely able to contain ourselves! God showed up and showed out!!!

Luke was waiting in the car (our getaway driver) and the three of us were practically bursting at the seems with joy. Right then my pastor texted me some encouraging words, AND my mentor Monica, as well, so I got to share the good news with them both.

We made our way to two more clubs after that, leading more women to Christ for a total of 23 SALVATIONS!!!! I’d say the official launch of Morning Glory Ministries was a success!! Glory to God!!!

“All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.” Jude‬ ‭1‬:‭25‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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