A behind the scenes look at strip club ministry! There’s SO much that goes on during outreach that never gets shared, so I thought I’d give you a little peek into our world.
From picking up the food we take to the clubs, to presenting it to the girls, and leaving the boxes in the dressing rooms, every detail matters to God! On our last outreach, the Lord told me the girls needed something FUN in their bags, so we went to the Dollar Tree in the last minute, and bought 60 bottles of bubbles to add to the already prepared gifts.
Sure enough, one girl opened up her gift bag and squealed! “I LOVE BUBBLES!’” My night was made right then and there.

Then there was the sunset of FIRE we watched in a park after leaving the brothels.
You can see the St. Louis arch in the background of those pics! It was a very prophetic evening.
From there, we scouted out some sketchy buildings, and then on our way across town to our last strip club of the night, we saw the arch once again by moonlight.

These are just some of the things that bring us joy and God glory on our outreaches, in between ministering to and saving souls! I’m beyond blessed that God called me to this ministry and so grateful for my team, who go above and beyond!
I’m heading to St. Louis again this weekend, but this time for the Voices of Fire Conference! I’m excited to see what more the Lord reveals for this ministry this weekend.
And then, I’ll be back again in two weeks for our September strip club outreach!
God is on the move!!

Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalms 144:1