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Encounter with a Bouncer

Meet D, a bouncer at a new strip club we visited Friday night. We first encountered D on the way into the club. He was a bit puzzled when he saw the manager come out from the office to shake our hands and lead us back to the dressing room.

After our time there talking with the girls and leading one young lady to the Lord, D escorted us out of the club, but then started asking us questions. This bouncer warmed to us quickly and opened up to us about his marriage.

His wife is a former dancer taking time off because she’s pregnant. He needs a new job because she doesn’t want him working in the clubs anymore, and it’s causing issues between them. He said she’s “religious,” and I felt led to give him a Bible to take home to her.

“But we got into a fight before work,” he said somberly. Gotta love my girl, Niki, in this moment! “Well, go home, take her the Bible, and apologize to her!”

He asked if I would take his wife’s number and reach out to her because they need discipleship. We had him look up the info for Fire Nest STL on his phone and he saved it.

I wish I could explain just how SIGNIFICANT this encounter was. We had NEVER been to this club before, but as I was getting ready for outreach that night, the Lord spoke clearly and said THAT was our night to go. He knew what every person in that strip club needed. He sees D’s heart and devotion to his wife.

We sat in the car in AWE. I tried to make a video to record the testimony and I could barely talk. I stopped halfway through as we looked out the window and saw D outside the club READING THE BIBLE!!! Then we watched him pick up the phone and call his wife, Bible in hand. It was GLORIOUS!!!

There’s no way to adequately describe the wonder of God on these outreaches. But He is in EVERY detail of them!


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