I was caught mid-prayer as we prayed over a “house mom” Friday night, in a strip club we’ve been frequenting in St. Louis. By the end, she was in tears and said the prayers “pretty much covered everything, hitting every mark.” Thank you, Holy Spirit, for words of knowledge!
After our prayers, the rest of the team went into the dressing room to pray with the dancers, and I stayed back to talk with Miss J. House moms generally stay in or near the dressing rooms, looking after the girls in the clubs. Oftentimes the dancers call them “mom” and are closer to their house moms than their own families.
I knew in that moment Miss J was in need of her own house mom, so I stayed by her side as she vented and cried, letting it all out. And then I spoke life over her and filled her back up!
She shared how she got fired from the last club she worked at because she led five dancers to the Lord, and they all quit the club afterwards! What?!
Yep, Miss J is a woman of God who doesn’t even recognize the call on her life or the mighty assignments God has been giving her. I made sure she knew by the time we left.
“I never thought about it that way before,” she said. She’s just there innocently sharing Jesus!
I got her number, invited her to our next worship night, and then gave her a beautiful leather bound Bible to add to her collection. She also asked if her drug addicted son could be added to our text devotionals, so I took his number too.
There were MANY beautiful moments Friday night (not to mention 9 salvations), but meeting Miss J was definitely one of the highlights.
Miss J is a shining example of how God will use the least likely among us to do great exploits in Jesus’ name. But, we have to break out of the box of religiosity to see how and where Holy Spirit is moving!
One thing I can say for sure is that month after month, we see Him moving in the adult entertainment industry! He’s NOT slowing down and we’re NOT slowing down!! We are riding the wave! Hallelujah!!!!