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Girls Gone Wild

Writer's picture: Kelsey DeckerKelsey Decker

After this past weekend in St. Louis, our team has many names!

👑 Women of Excellence

👑 Morning Glory Misfits

👑 Girls Gone Wild

And God used all those various aspects of our character for His glory!!

For the second month in a row, we saw 11 salvations in the strip clubs, and one more during street evangelism!

We ministered on the streets for 2 hours, then got into 5 clubs, shared the love of Jesus at an Asian massage parlor, and prayed through a truck stop known for evil deeds.

In one club in particular, we gave out about 25 gift bags, prayed over an equal amount of women on the club floor, saw 8 salvations, and had a prayer circle in the dressing room.

As we left, girls were running up to hug us goodbye, and the entire club started chanting, “JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!!”

It was surreal!!!!


I will be following up with the women who signed up for our weekly text devotionals, and we will see what God is going to do next!

We are EXPECTANT for the more He has in store for the strip clubs across the nation!!

I’m thanking God for my bold, courageous team, and for preparing the hearts of every person we encountered on our outreaches!

I’m now back home in Indianapolis preparing for my next trip in a few weeks!

St. Louis, I’ll see you again soon! 🤩



“Who, then, is allowed to ascend the mountain of Yahweh? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure. They will receive Yahweh’s blessing and righteousness given by the Savior-God. They will stand before God, for they seek the pleasure of God’s face, the God of Jacob.

So wake up, you LIVING GATEWAYS! Lift up your heads, you doorways of eternity! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you.

You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, Yahweh, invincible in every way! So wake up, you LIVING GATEWAYS, and rejoice! Fling wide, you eternal doors! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in.

You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” He is Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, he is the King of Glory!”


Psalms‬ ‭24‬:‭3‬-‭10‬ ‭TPT‬‬


To sow into this mighty move of God:

Venmo: KelseyDecker77

CashApp: Kelseya77

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