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Jesus By the Stripper Pole

I’m still processing how powerfully Jesus showed up in the strip club last night. After our usual time in the dressing room with the dancers and praying over the bouncer at the door, we were walking out of the club to leave, and stopped dead in our tracks.

It was a slow night, thank the Lord. And through the darkness, we realized there were a couple dancers sitting alone we hadn’t spoken with. So, back in we went with cookies in tow!

The second girl I approached was sitting right in front of the stage. Not my normal place to converse for any length of time, with women on the pole shaking their rear ends right in front of us. But that’s where the Lord placed me. And this sweet girl was overwhelmingly receptive, so I sat down, not having a clue what was about to transpire.

Holy Spirit rushed in and took over that conversation. I took off my jacket, got comfy, and began sharing the Gospel. And she kept asking questions! And I kept testifying!

We went all the way back to the beginning of creation. She was hungry for it all. She wanted to know everything.

And then it became so clear why God had sent ME to talk with her. I told her how I’d been saved and convicted by a verse in Deuteronomy saying if I practiced witchcraft I was “detestable to the Lord my God.” When she heard those words she too was convicted and wanted to know why those things are detestable to God.

We talked about who God is, about paganism and worshiping the earth. I shared with her all my old pagan practices, and how I don’t need that stuff anymore because I have direct access to God now. She could see how it made sense, and why the things she’s doing aren’t necessary. We talked about God revealing Himself to me during the last “heroic dose” of magic mushrooms I did before I was saved. And how the tongues I spoke during that trip are the same tongues I pray in the spirit with now. And she could relate! (Don’t put God in a box)

That conversation went SO many places, and was one of the most powerful conversations I’ve ever had. This girl had a depth I adored. She was me twenty years ago.

It was abundantly clear Jesus is after her, and she began to see it all unfolding. I could tell her perception of the world just got annihilated, the same way mine was the night I was convicted. In the end, I prayed over her and have no doubt Jesus encountered her there and will continue to. She didn’t say the sinners prayer, but guess what? I never did either.

I was saved through Deuteronomy. Through Holy conviction. Nobody said a prayer with me. Nobody needed to tell me I was a sinner. Nobody shared the Gospel with me.

But that one thought of being detestable to God changed the course of my life. I went home and repented of everything I’d ever done, and immediately started following Jesus.

Who’s to say that’s not what happened for her last night when she got home?

As soon as our prayers ended, she was called to the dance floor. So, she took my phone number and I gave her a copy of my book. I have great expectancy. Mountains were moved last night in the name of Jesus! And I walked out of that club dizzy with how powerfully the atmosphere had shifted.

I wonder how many eyes were on us (Jesus) and not the stripper on the pole.


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