Well, apparently I need a haircut. Who knew?!
God’s cooking up something good for tomorrow.
A few months ago I posted about an incredible divine appointment I had at the hair salon. It turned out one of the dancers I met at the strip club months earlier was my hairdresser that day. It was so wild! Only God.
I had the opportunity to witness to her while she cut my hair. She was deeply moved as we have many similarities in our stories, and she was blown away by God arranging for us to meet again.
I gave her my book that day and prayed it would really speak to her.
The last time I went for an appointment she wasn’t on the list of hairdressers and I’ve not seen her on the list since. Until…I received an e-mail yesterday saying, “A” has an opening on Thursday. Oh, and here’s a coupon!””
Well, I wasn’t planning on getting my haircut right now, but when I saw her name I jumped for joy and scheduled straight away!
This is no accident. I’ve never received an email from my salon with a specific name on it like that. A, I’m coming for you!
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 NLT