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Miracles, Signs & Wonders in the Strip Clubs

Writer's picture: Kelsey DeckerKelsey Decker

We saw countless miracles, signs, and wonders on our July strip club outreach in Greater St. Louis! 🙌🏼

We ministered on the streets for two hours to the $ex workers, went to five strip clubs, one erotica boutique, talked to a woman outside an illicit massage parlor, and prayed through a truck stop, on the lookout for girls being bought and sold. All glory to God!!!

Here’s a portion of what we witnessed…

💥 12 decisions for Christ

💥 3 baptisms of the Holy Spirit

💥 5 women excited to receive Bibles

💥 70 gift bags given out

💥 A female manager who had been praying for “the church ladies” to show up that day.

💥 A prayer circle in a club dressing room, with everyone holding hands and crying.

💥 A whole strip club chanting “JESUS, JESUS, JESUS” by the time we left.

💥 10 women added to our weekly text devotionals.

💥 Dozens of women crying in the presence of God.

💥 Many women saying “You are the sign I’ve been asking for.”

💥 2 strip clubs shut down.

💥 Managers softening to us and giving us full access to minister in the clubs that remain.

💥 Street workers grieving the murder of a prostitute, which is why our missions come with URGENCY.

I leave for St. Louis next week, and am highly expectant for God to move mightily through this region and industry once again!

What happens on these outreaches is almost too supernatural to comprehend—that’s how you know it’s God!

To partner with Morning Glory on our regional missions, consider a one-time or monthly donation. It’s just $25 to sponsor one woman per month, and our reach is expanding rapidly!

“As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭5‬

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