The first club we went into Friday night was a new one for me. I’d been praying diligently for open doors into these new-to-me clubs and not only was every door opened, but we were escorted back to the dressing rooms as if we were royalty.
My ministry partner said later it was so easy that it felt like the Red Sea was parted at all four clubs.
In the first dressing room we encountered a “house mom” who gave us the lay of the land and was very forthcoming about the other ministries who also stop by regularly. She told us what role they fulfill, we listened patiently, and I only had one question…
“Well, does anyone come in here and share the gospel with you?”
“No.” An adamant NO.
“And that’s what makes us different,” I replied.
Without hesitation I moved over next to these two girls, handed them gift bags, asked them their names and if I could pray with them. They were quiet and receptive. And as I shared the gospel with them, they both gave their lives to Jesus right then and there! We acquired their phone numbers for follow-up and moved on to the next girls.
A woman who only spoke Spanish read our gospel script in Spanish and began weeping. She just came from seeing her sister in the hospital and said those words are what she needed to hear. And, she refused to give the script back because she wanted to give it to her sister!
We had one more salvation after that with a woman who wept and was overcome with the love of the Lord. We got her phone number as well for follow up and our weekly text devotionals.
There were lots of tears in each club we visited. The theme of the night became LOVE. Each girl was met right where she was. Because that’s who Jesus is. His love cleansed and washed over them as they wept before heading back out onto the dance floor.
No matter what happens next, they received a touch from God. And they received the gospel message. That’s something I NEVER once received while I was living in sin and active in the sex industry.
Their lives are now forever changed. These girls have been given a future and a hope.
Did they walk out of the clubs that night? Nope.
Did I walk out of my horrifically abusive relationship the night I got saved? Nope.
Walking out our salvation is a journey and a process. But once we have Jesus, we have hope. And just like He eventually delivered me out of that relationship and a scandalous life full of fornication, He will also do it for these girls, in His perfect timing. That I am sure of!
“and snatch others out of the fire to save them. Be merciful over and over to them, but always couple your mercy with the fear of God. Be extremely careful to keep yourselves free from the pollutions of the flesh.” Jude 1:23 TPT