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Stripper Saved in a Hotel Room

Writer's picture: Kelsey DeckerKelsey Decker

I knew today was the day. I just knew it. The Lord told me last Thursday today was THE glorious day!!!

He told me that night to go visit my special dancer on Tuesday at 2:00pm specifically, and take her a rotisserie chicken (She loves chicken). So, I bought the chicken today, made rice and a salad, and headed her way, very expectant.

When I got there, a man was loitering outside her room and once in the room, she told me he’s been hanging around asking for food and knocking on her door.

“Not on my watch!” I thought.

We sat down, and she was the most open than she’s ever been. She shared her life story with me, and told me about a woman who helped her, and gave her a Bible, when she was in juvenile detention a few years ago. She’s only 19 now.

She shared her dreams with me, and how she’s a singer and songwriter. I immediately had a vision of her leading worship. I then shared all the amazing things going on in my life, and she was over the moon with excitement for me. I was giving God all the glory, and she got to see just how good He is. (A copy of my book was on her dresser)

Next, I took a Bible out of my bag. A very special Bible. The first one I got after I was saved, while living in London. The Lord told me to give it to her as a gift. She was completely overjoyed. I was surprised at how much that touched her heart. Then, I asked if we could pray. I went into some powerful prayers, casting out the evil spirits in that hotel room, praying protection and the blood of Jesus over her, and the room.

And, for the first time ever, she told me her real name. I nearly cried.

I prayed through the Gospel and then led her through receiving Christ. I spoke words over her life. The visions the Lord had shown me. I prayed for new songs and new tongues. And the Holy Spirit rushed in. My hands were drenched with fire. When I finally opened my eyes, she was crying, and smiling! Her dimples were huge and I couldn’t have loved her more in that moment.

Just then, her phone rang. It was her best friend. As soon as she answered, I could tell she regretted it. The contrast was extreme. She seemed a little drunk in the spirit, looked at me, and put the phone on hold. I had to leave to pick up my daughter from school, so we had a big hug, some giggles, and she walked me out.

When we got in the hall she said, “That guy is finally gone!”

I said, “Yep. I cast out the evil around you. You’re protected now.”

I knew he’d be gone. Her eyes twinkled.

This beautiful woman is the very first dancer I ever witnessed to at a strip club on my first night out evangelizing last December. And it was her first night ever dancing! A very strong bond was formed that night.

I didn’t see her for a couple months after that, and then when we finally reconnected, we couldn’t wait to see each other again. And again. And now I will forever see her in heaven!! The angels are all rejoicing!!

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