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Testimony of a Former Stripper

A sister in Christ shared this in the comments on one of my outreach posts on Facebook, and it encouraged me so much I had to share!

“When I used to work at Deja Vu Little Darlings as a stripper, there were these groups of girls who would come into our club with little gift bags. I don't remember much about our conversations if we had them at all, I was most likely really high on cocaine, pills and ecstasy. Yes, all at once while too drunk to even remember these details.

But what I do remember, is the gifts they brought, their presence and if I remember correctly their ministry was Strippers for Jesus.

I don't believe they were dancers anymore when they visited our club. But I have never forgotten them. I may not remember their faces, but the seeds they sowed into me by them just approaching us remains. And of course, there's fruit. It may have taken many many years to bear fruit in the harvest, but none the less.

I remember hearing a YouTuber say something about strippers and Jesus and it was more of a criticism than anything. But I can tell you, Jesus died for strippers, P-stars, OF models, pimps and prostitutes, sugar babies, etc. too and He is waiting for the seeds of Truth to be sown." How can they hear the gospel if a preacher is not sent?"

Thank you Lord to those women, your daughters who so bravely returned from the muck you delivered them to them sowing seeds of the love of Jesus all those years ago”

Glory to God!!

“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:24-25

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