This is the text I sent to our girls from the strip clubs this morning…
Blessings, beautiful one! Happy Passover! Passover is a week-long holiday that’s all about celebrating and rejoicing. In ancient biblical days, it was when the slaves were freed from captivity.
Now we celebrate the fact that Jesus has freed us from the bondage of our broken hearts and minds. He died so we could be set free!
If you’re not feeling free today, I understand. This world can be hard and heavy. I’ve been there. I was once in your position. But know God loves you and has a big plan for your life. To give you hope and a future!
Feel free to reach out to me if I can help you in any way. Or, just know I’m praying for you and thinking of you.
I cried after I sent the message, praying for them.
Let one, Lord, just one, reach back out. Let these messages every week touch their hearts and souls. Let the seeds be watered. Bring them Home by the droves! We praise you and thank you, Lord!!!
“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 NLT