“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”Matthew 9:37
Oh how these words have never rung more true. There’s an urgency arising in my spirit once again. It’s time. It’s time.
The workers may be few, but I know God has called more to the frontlines. He’s merely waiting for your obedience. Or, He will find someone else to say “Yes, Lord! Send me!”
Quenching the spirit is like dying a slow death. Not heeding the call on your life will eventually leave you lifeless. If you’re hungry for more of God, you have to run after the things of God!
I’m aware that strip club ministry isn’t for everyone. But it’s for someone! There are young girls and women stuck on the merry go round of the adult entertainment industry. Round and round they go. They’re just waiting for us to introduce them to Jesus. To offer a future and a hope.
On our last outreach we went outside the city gates to a smaller town. A sweet young dancer ASKED us to come back in desperation.
“The girls in this town really need this.”
How could I not go back for them?! How can I not see all their faces when I pray, asking God what more I can do?! But I can’t go alone! We need laborers willing to get their hands dirty. Ready to fight the good fight in faith, obedience, and authority.
That said, Morning Glory Ministries is currently recruiting for our special ops strip club teams. We are the navy seals of evangelism. We are plundering hell and populating heaven!
If you’ve been feeling that tug or have heard the whisper that now is the time, YOUR time, don’t delay! Jesus is calling. We provide all the training and support you need! AND you get to hang out with ME! Winning! Lol.
But truly, if you’re interested, please message me and I’ll send you an application. The times are getting darker and darker. Let’s be the Light! The hands and feet of Jesus.
