I went to the theatre and watched the new Jim Caviezel movie today.
The Sound of Freedom is about Tim Ballard, a former federal agent who tracked down pedophiles, and then quit his job to track down the missing children. Tim now runs Operation Underground Railroad, a massive undertaking rescuing women and children all over the world from human trafficking, and providing aftercare.
Take your tissues! The movie is intense, but you will leave a changed person who can no longer turn a blind eye.
There are currently more slaves in the world today than there were when slavery was legal. 2 million children are taken each year. And the #1 country for sex buyers is the United States. We are a perverse nation.
But as Tim says, “God’s children are not for sale!”
My heart has been heavy since the movie, and I’ve been in intercession for all the women I witness to at the strip clubs. Their faces won’t leave my mind.
The one from Mexico I know was trafficked here. Her husband waits in the car while she works.
The pregnant one whose boyfriend lets her dance to pay for the baby.
The ones who were abused as children and know no other life.
If you think women “choose” sex work or abuse, you are mistaken. There are deeper, darker spirits at play than you can imagine. I know because I experienced it all and some days those memories still haunt me and bring me to my knees in grief.
This is why I won’t be quiet. This is why I’ll keep going after the one because that’s what Jesus does. He goes after the one. And then the one more. And one more.
That’s what this movie is about. It’s about going after the one. And how when the one is saved, it creates a ripple effect.
And FYI, your porn addiction makes you a sex buyer. Let that sink in for a moment.
Jesus is coming. Our nation must repent.
